Born: 25/11/03 in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
Died: 09/04/2014 at Ffos Y Fran, Wales

H.E.L.L.O! My name is Bailey. I'm the pet, mascot and spoilt brat at Ffos Y Fran. To know me is to love me. I like to bark my greetings - and farewells. Come to think of it, I bark when I am excited, and that's quite often. I love cats, rabbits, moles, and, when I lived in Canada, I liked gophers, too.

I'm not a real sheepdog, more a running pal for Angie, but I've been known to drove sheep in Scotland (they didn't mess with me!) and my shedding prowess is legendary! I like to herd Kelvin and Angie, especially when they go running together. I keep an eye on both of them and make sure they stay together! While sheep are not my forte, I was an agility princess and then graduated to Queen of the Farm, a very important job.

Well, if truth be told, I have a bit of a princess complex. But being completely adorable, in a quirky kind of a way, who can blame me? I AM the smartest here. None of the others know how to hunt moles, catch a frisbee or defend the farm against intruders or errant vacuum cleaners. They just like sheep, sheep and more sheep. Me, on the other hand, I am much more well-rounded in my hobbies, interests and talents

Bailey came to us as an 8 week old pup. She arrived on a Friday night and on the Saturday we went to a running race and she just fitted in right from the start. She wandered around on a leash like a pro, travelled like an experienced traveller and sat happily on my lap the whole trip. In fact, everywhere we went, Bailey slept on our lap...for her whole life.



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